On Display
Object type
Place of origin

Gold amulet in the form of a cobra

2000-100 BCE

Freud electronic laughing ball


Neolithic flint scraper

4000-2001 BCE

Plano-convex brick, Ubaid, Iraq, c 2500 BC.

2500 BCE

Replica of Islamic Astrolabe

1066; 1876

Ancient Egyptian flint saw, replica

circa 3000 BCE

Alabaster mortar


Plaster replica of IBEX weight

1370-1350 BCE; 1931

One of two Sumerian solid cylindrical weights

circa 2000 BCE

2 circular plaster casts of the 2 halves of a Greek coin

700-100 BCE; 1930-1950

Roman stone water main


Replica of Roman equal-arm balance, from Pompeii, 79 AD

1-79 CE; before 1914

Flint weight, Syrian Khoirine system

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Forceps, spring-action, steel


Mobile cellular telephone (Motorola 'Flip Phone') model no. F09SQD8955AB


Egyptian weight, 12th Dynasty

circa 1800 BCE

Two washers


Two washers


Engraving of Graving dock


Polished stone (Chert) weight from excavations at Mohenjodaro

circa 3000 BCE

Pottery vase found at Nihawnad, Persia

3000 BCE

Polished stone (Chert) weight from excavations at Mohenjodaro

circa 3000 BCE

Polished stone (Chert) weight from excavations at Mohenjodaro

circa 3000 BCE

Charles II fourpence


Polished stone (Chert) weight from excavations at Mohenjodaro

circa 3000 BCE

Polished stone (Chert) weight from excavations at Mohenjodaro

circa 3000 BCE

Black haematite weight, Syrian

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Black haematite Syrian weight, barrel shaped, from Gaza, Phoenician system

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Black haematite weight, Syrian

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Black haematite Syrian weight, barrel shaped, from Gaza, Phoenician system

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Haematite weight, Syrian

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Barrel-shaped haematite weight

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Transparent quartz Syrian weight, barrel shaped, from Gaza, Deben system

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Barrel-shaped haematite weight

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Barrel-shaped haematite weight

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Barrel-shaped haematite weight

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Barrel-shaped haematite weight

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Small Stone Age

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool, side-scraper, made in the Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool, side-scraper, made in the Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool, core-type, Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool, core-type, Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE

Flint hand tool, flake type, Stone Age.

8500-2000 BCE

Small Stone Age

8500-2000 BCE

Haematite weight, Syrian

1700-1600 BCE

Black haematite weight, Syrian

circa 1700-1600 BCE

Black haematite weight, Syrian

circa 1700-1600 BCE